‘An extension of our business’

Boom & Meijer Vastgoed is originally a rental agency. They have since expanded their services to include property management. They take care of rent payments and handle tenant notifications and complaints. Additionally, they also assist their clients in purchasing...

More structure leads to better quality.

Backoffice Manager at Westerduin Personeelsbemiddeling – Peter Brenkman We love hearing from our customers. How they’re doing, what they’re working on, and how they’re liking our software and services. We continue to look for ways to best...

Focusing on what we’re good at.

Het Team Juridische Zaken – Monika Boomgaard “When I joined the Legal Affairs Team, I also inherited Debitan. The company had been using the system for a while. After two months of training and familiarization, I proactively contacted them myself. Nathalie...