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More structure leads to better quality.

Backoffice Manager at Westerduin Personeelsbemiddeling – Peter Brenkman

We love hearing from our customers. How they’re doing, what they’re working on, and how they’re liking our software and services. We continue to look for ways to best facilitate their work and interactions with their clients. This week, we spoke with Peter Brenkman from Westerduin Personeelsbemiddeling.

Spring is always a season of growth, but for Westerduin Personeelsbemiddeling, the spring of 2021 has been exceptionally fruitful. Since April 1st, all departments of the company are back in one location. Peter Brenkman says, “We used to have three branches and 30 to 40 clients, but we have grown significantly since then. It’s great to be back in one place again. It allows us to communicate and collaborate more efficiently with each other and our clients. Everyone benefits from that.”

Adapting and Structuring

At Westerduin Personeelsbemiddeling, they have considerable experience in adapting and structuring. It’s to be expected when you work with people day in and day out. Structuring was also the reason they decided to approach debt management differently a few years ago. “Debt management, like in many companies, was something important but often treated as an afterthought. As a result, many unpaid invoices were left unattended for too long. I, together with the former management, looked for a solution. We came across Debitan through a referral. We worked with a trial version for a year to see if and how the system would work.”

Within the Payment Terms
“Now, 90% of the invoices are paid within the payment terms. We are extremely satisfied. Belinda has been our dedicated debt manager from day one, and it’s been working very well. She feels like a colleague. She contacts our clients on a weekly basis, and we find that it works very effectively. The authority of an ‘outsider,’ clear communication, and prompt follow-up are very pleasant. I can quickly collaborate with her, especially when there are disputes. We also receive regular positive feedback from our clients about our debt management, and that speaks volumes! The combination of a personal touch and the right approach is perfect.”

Structure in Every Aspect
“I was surprised by the speed of action. Belinda acts quickly, usually within half a day. Requests for information, liquidity reports, and requested analyses are processed very promptly. We appreciate swift collaboration with our clients, so it’s great when we receive the same in return. Furthermore, I’ve noticed that the structure isn’t limited to timely follow-up on invoices; our client administration is also better organized. If payment terms, VAT rules, or invoice addresses are incorrect, it is immediately flagged and corrected. When all the data is accurate, everything runs much smoother around it. And as a result, we can better focus on the quality of our service.”

About Westerduin Personeelsbemiddeling

Helping people with the right work mentality find suitable jobs in the construction, engineering, logistics, and green sectors— that’s what Westerduin Personeelsbemiddeling does. And by a suitable job, they mean not just a temporary position but preferably long-term prospects. If you’re a job seeker with a passion for your trade and a proactive attitude, you’re in the right place! Positivity is the driving force. Courage, enthusiasm, entrepreneurship, and caring for one another are important core values. They provide personal attention to job seekers, as well as employers because anything you give attention to grows!
Westerduin Personeelsbemiddeling is part of the Westerduin Groep.